What to do on those rainy days?

Some dogs LOVE playing outdoors in the rain and mud, but others not so much. Sometimes it’s even a struggle getting them outside to go to the toilet in fear of getting their paws wet. 

Rather than being stuck on the couch all day, we’ve provided a list of fun, interactive games and activities that you can enjoy doing with your dog until the rain stops. It’ll help you pass the time and keep your dog’s brain stimulated! 

1. Trick Training

Work on practicing  basic training commands, like ‘sit’, ‘stay’, ‘lie down’ and ‘shake’. Once you’ve got those nailed, try some more advanced tricks like ‘play dead’, barking on command or teaching your dog to fetch your shoes or newspaper.

2. Interactive Dog Feeders 

Whether you're stuck at home or going to work, leaving your dog a Kong, treat dispenser or food puzzle is a good idea to keep them entertained. For Kong recipe ideas, head on over to our other blog post, 'What To Put in a Kong'.

3. Make Christmas Dog Biscuits

Even if you’re a hopeless in the kitchen, dog biscuits are incredibly easy to make! You can find a super easy recipe at Battersea Dogs that only needs 4 ingredients; peanut butter, flour, banana and water. Your dog will love you for it!

4. Good ol’ Tug of War

If you don’t have a tug toy, an old t-shirt or towel will do the trick! Tug of war is a great physical activity for your pup that can also help with teaching some good manners and impulse control. And contrary to popular belief, it won’t teach your dog to be overly dominant or aggressive. It’s actually an opportunity to engage in teamwork and work with your dog to pull apart the toy, rather than it being a competitive activity Rooney, Bradshaw, and Robinson (2000)

5. Scatter Feeding 

Encourage your dog to work for their food and master their foraging skills by hiding food around the house or garden. It helps them work their brain and nose, and as they get better, you can hide food in trickier locations!

6. Chasing Bubbles 

If you’ve got some spare time, head over to Kmart and buy some kids bubbles. Blowing bubbles is a great activity that helps to improve your dog’s balance and coordination, as well as keep them entertained. Just make sure that they are the non-toxic kind (often found in the kid’s section!).  


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