The Power of Blueberries

The Power of Blueberries

😍 This little fruit is actually pretty extraordinary. An Alaskan university has discovered that sled dogs who were fed blueberries while exercising, had an elevated antioxidant status.

👩🏼‍⚕️ But what does it mean and why is it important ? Blueberries are a great antioxidant, and when added to one’s diet, they can help to prevent exercise-induced oxidative damage which causes cancer!  

💪🏼 So, if you’re looking for a healthy snack for your furry friends, blueberries are the way to go! This is especially important for senior dogs and breeds that may be more susceptible to cancer, like your Dobermans, Retrievers, Rottweilers and Boxers. 

🤓 You can find the study here -

✅ Approved by Issy and Ollie the Shepherds 🐾


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