The Benefits of a Raw Food Diet for Your Dog and Cat

The raw food diet for your dog or cat is a great way to provide your fur friend with a full range of nutritional benefits.

While canned food or kibble sustain your pets, healthier alternatives can extend the life and well-being of your favourite companion. A raw diet with variety can help your pet not only survive, but also thrive!  

Why Would I consider a Raw Food Diet for My Dog and Cat? 

The raw food diet for your dog or cat is a great way to provide them with all the nutrients they need. The idea behind this is that the heat required to process cooked food kills off nutrients and healthy enzymes. And while humans have evolved to eat cooked food, dogs and cats have not.

The difference between human and animal diets is that pets also need more calcium and vitamin D because they are not able to absorb these nutrients as well as humans. Cats are obligate carnivores, which means they need specific nutrients found in meat , such as taurine. Dogs are more omnivorous, and will benefit from the addition of fruit and vegetables to their diet.

Grains, legumes and tubers are also good for dogs in correct quantities, however they are often used excessively as fillers to bulk up processed pet foods, which can lead to weight and health issues down the line.


There are many benefits to a raw food diet for your dog and cat, but there are also some cons.

Pros: The main benefit of feeding your pet a raw food diet is that it mimics the natural diet of their wild ancestors and can help them maintain their health. Raw diets promote healthy gut bacteria and many owners report an improvement in their pet’s breath when they eat raw. They can help with allergies as you can better control what goes in their diet. It can also reduce the risk for obesity, and promote healthier skin and coats.

Cons: It can be more difficult and expensive to find all the necessary ingredients, but rising research and demand means raw food is now more accessible for pet owners. While always important, parasite preventatives are essential to pets eating raw meat. It is also important to feed your pet a nutritionally researched and balanced diet, so some research and time is important.

How to Transition your Dog or Cat to a Raw Diet 

The first step to feeding your dog or cat on a raw-foods only diet is to find out what they need nutritionally from their food, based on their size and age. Make sure you consult your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet or feeding them alternate foods.

The transition from kibble and canned food to a raw-foods only diet is not as difficult as you might think. The key is to start slow and gradually increase the amount of raw food that your pet eats.

Here are some tips for making the transition:

  • Start by adding small amounts of raw or dehydrated food to your pet’s diet. Monitor for preferences, as well as for allergies, digestive issues, or irregular bowel movements to find what your pet likes most. A few slices of apple, a sardine or even a scoop of Pluto & Ally’s veggie enricher [Check them out, they are local and you can use the Discount Code : HOUNDS15 to get 15% off your purchase of dehydrated raw treats and toppers !].

  • Once you are ready transition as you would any food: start 25% new to 75% old food for a week. Then, 50% of each for a week. Then, 25% of the old to 75% of the new food for the last week, before switching 100% to the new. This will help prevent digestive distress.

  • Introduce new types of raw meat slowly so that they get used to it over time. You can find local companies such as The Naked Paw who advertise pre-made raw meals and even deliver in the Gold Coast!

  • While not raw, dehydrated food like Ziwi Pets it is a good source of nutrition for pets that have extreme immune deficiencies that inhibit their ability to digest raw food properly. It also makes a great substitute when travelling with your pup!

  • Dr Karen Becker’s The Forever Dog includes many great resources for those who are interested in reading up more on raw food.

  • If you cannot afford a fully raw diet, even a few raw additions o your furry best friend’s diet can augment their health and add interest to their meals.

Give us a ring or send us a message at Happy Hounds to see how we can help - we offer discount codes for our partners, as well as  dog walk and pet sitting services, to help you keep your pet as well-excercised as they are well-fed !


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